How changing task manager could make your life miserable

If you are thinking about changing task manager, please keep reading.

Some days ago, I thought about trying out Nozbe.

As you know, FacileThings is my GTD app of choice. It’s a great app, but the user experience with the mobile phone is somewhat disappointing. It seems that a significant update of the mobile application is underway, but I can’t wait. When technology is involved, I’m an impatient guy.

Nozbe seems to have some great apps that provide the same user experience on every device. Many people that I value a lot, use Nozbe and consider it the best GTD app available. It has Evernote integration too. So, for all these reasons, I decided to start the one-month trial. I said to myself: «I’ll try this for a month, then I’ll decide if I come back to FacileThings or keep using Nozbe

What to do when changing task manager

OK, so I created an account, I had a tour to understand how Nozbe works and then I had to move all my tasks.

I thought it could be simple: FacileThings has an export function, and Nozbe will import tasks in some way. Not so simple: as I understand, Nozbe can only import data from Wunderlist.

«Should I code a FacileThings to Wunderlist data converter?» I swear to you that, for a moment, I thought this! Then, I resolved to use the Email tasks” function. You can export your data from FacileThings in a huge XML file. All your data: task lists, projects, goals, purpose, etc.

I needed a more manageable format to write down my tasks in a mail and send them to Nozbe. I tried several online XML-to-CVS converters until I found one that worked for me. Then I had to write some macros in Notepad++ to convert the tasks according to Nozbe formatting rules.

At this point, I’ve already spent hours in this undertaking.

Finally, I pasted all the tasks in a mail and sent it to Nozbe. Done!

No, not really, because the Email tasks” function doesn’t create projects and contexts. All my tasks ended up in the Nozbe inbox; the tags for project and context ended in the task name as pure text.

I deleted all the tasks, and I had to create projects and contexts. Then I sent the mail again. I iterated this process two or three times, because: «Damn! I forgot a project!» or «So stupid: I misspelled a context!»

However, in the end, I had all my tasks in Nozbe. OK, I had to tweak something: adding checklists and correcting some dates. But I had all my tasks. At least, I hoped that they were all there and I didn’t lose any of them in the process.

What about my Someday/Maybe” list? I had to create a Someday/Maybe” and repeat the process.

What to do next?

The Tickler File — my beloved Tickler File! There’s no such thing in Nozbe, so I had to put in place a workaround.

The tasks had attachments that I couldn’t send using the Email tasks.” I had to reattach each one of them.

What about Purpose, Vision, and Goals? I resolved to store them in Workflowy (“For now!”).

I also had to update all my IFTTT automated actions.

There were still so many things unresolved. Also, I had this creepy fear of having lost or forgotten something. At this point, I had already spent an entire day, and I was adding tasks to my new Migration to Nozbe project.

Besides this, I suffered all the typical annoyances of having to get used to a new application.

The case against changing task manager

What did I learn from this experience?

It’s not worth it!

All this work and this effort have been a waste. I would instead get some things done or enjoy a pleasant time with my family.

What are you using as task manager right now? FacileThings, Nozbe, Todoist? It’s good enough! You don’t have to waste your time looking for something better. If you are not getting enough things done, it is because of you, not because of the tool you use.

There’s no such thing as a perfect application. I imagine that you have spent time and effort tuning your current app. You have perfected your workflow during this time. Why throw away all this work?

My advice is to stop looking around and think instead of Getting Things Done. It’s not worth it! Your current task manager is good enough!

How my experiment with changing task manager ended up

I used Nozbe for a day, more or less. I linked how it worked, but it was missing some feature that I love (i.e., the Tickler File). Moreover, there was too much work to do to complete the transition from FacileThings.

I went back to FacileThings. It has its limitations, but I can live with them.